25/03/2013 16:32



Ash Wednesday Miércoles de Ceniza
Easter Pascua
Easter break vacaciones de Semana Santa
Easter bunny conejito de Pascua
Easter egg huevo de Pascua
Easter egg hunt búsqueda de huevos de Pascua
Easter holiday vacaciones de Semana Santa
Easter mass misa de Pascua
Easter Saturday Sábado Santo,
Sábado de Gloria
Easter Sunday Domingo de Pascua,
Domingo de Resurrección
basket canasta
chocolate egg huevo de chocolate
coloured egg huevo de color
decorated egg huevo decorado
Good Friday Viernes Santo
Happy Easter Felices Pascuas
Holy Week Semana Santa
Lent Cuaresma
Lenten Season Cuaresma
Palm Sunday Domingo de Ramos
Passion of Christ Pasión de Cristo
Pentecost Pentecostés
Resurrection Resurrección
roll rosca
Whitsun Pentecostés



  • Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday. This day is remembered as the day when Jesus was crucified. The origins of "Good Friday" may be from "God's Friday"' just as goodbye is derived from "God be with you" (ye in old English).
  • Easter Saturday is the Saturday before Easter, the last day of Lent and is the day when Christ's body laid in his tomb. On Easter Sunday we celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead to live forever.
  • Why do we give Easter eggs? The traditional Easter gift is a chocolate egg. They symbolise new life. Rabbits are used as a symbol of fertility.
  • Read about the origins of the word "Easter"
  • Read about the origins of the word "Lent"


Easter in England

  • It is traditional to eat "hot cross buns" on Good Friday in England. The buns have a cross on top which symbolises the cross on which Jesus was killed.
  • Colouring eggs for Easter was a custom in England during the Middle Ages and eggs were usually painted with bright colours, to represent the sunlight of Spring. However, this practice became more famous when King Edward I decided to give them as Easter gifts in 1290.
  • On the traditional Easter egg hunt, children have to find small chocolate eggs that are hidden in parks or gardens. In Britain it is estimated that each year nearly 80 million chocolate eggs are eaten.